Cookies and tattoo in Prague

Tattoo: +420 776 564 776
Massage: +420 773 025 588

We use a browser feature known as a "cookie", which assigns a unique identification to your computer. Cookies are typically stored on your computer's hard drive. Information collected from cookies is used by us to evaluate the effectiveness of our website, analyze trends, and administer our website. We do not use cookies or any other technology described here to collect personally identifiable information about you. However, under local data protection laws the data we collect may qualify as so-called "personal data". The information collected from cookies allows us to determine such things as which parts of our website are most visited and difficulties our visitors may experience in accessing our website. With this knowledge, we can improve the quality of your experience on our website by recognizing and delivering more of the most desired features and information, as well as by resolving access difficulties. Some of our cookies are set to enable you to proceed to use features on our Website, such as to help keep track of items you put into your shopping cart and to allow visitors who have created an account to maintain shopping carts between visits. In addition, we use cookies to tell us whether your computer has been used to visit our website in the past. We also use cookies to help keep track of checkout information, other than payment method information, while you remain on our site. Plus, we use cookies and/or a technology known as web bugs or clear gifs, which are typically stored in emails to help us confirm your receipt of, and response to, our emails and to provide you with a more personalized experience when using our website.